– Name of qualification: Engineer in Space Engineering;

– Official duration in credits and years: 4.5 years, 152 credits;

– Language of instruction: English;

– Assessment/Accreditation Status: The program achieved ASIIN accreditation in 2024

Course list

Subject’s ID Subject Credits
Total Lecture Lab
1st Year – Semester 1
MA001IU Calculus 1 4 4 0
PH019IU General Physics 1 4 4 0
PH020IU General Physics 1 Laboratory 2 0 2
PH018IU Introduction to Space Engineering 2 2 0
EN007IU Writing AE1 2 2 0
EN008IU Listening AE1 2 2 0
PT001IU Physical training 1 3 0 0
1st Year – Semester 2
MA003IU Calculus 2 4 4 0
PH021IU General Physics 2 3 3 0
PH022IU General Physics 2              Laboratory 1 0 1
PH061IU Earth observation and  the environment 2 2 0
EN011IU Writing AE2 2 2 0
EN012IU Speaking AE2 2 2 0
PE015IU Marxist-Leninist Philosophy 3 3 0
PT002IU Physical training 2 3 0 3
2nd Year – Semester 1
PH023IU General Physics 3 2 2 0
PH024IU General Physics 3  Laboratory 1 0 1
PH029IU Introduction to Relativity and Modern Physics 3 3 0
PH026IU Differential equations 2 2 0
PH030IU Probability and statistics for engineers 3 3 0
EE057IU Programming for engineers 3 3 0
EE058IU Programming for engineers Laboratory 1 0 1
PE016IU Marxist – Leninist Political Economy 2 2 0
2nd Year – Semester 2
PH025IU Mathematics for  engineers 4 4 0
IT153IU Discrete Math 3 3 0
PH037IU Space Environment 3 3 0
PH032IU Introduction to Signals and Systems 3 3 0
PH033IU Signals and Systems Laboratory 1 0 1
PE017IU Scientific socialism 2 2 0
3rd Year – Semester 1
MP001IU Military training      
3rd Year – Semester 1
PH063IU Introduction to Space Communications 2 2 0
PH040IU Satellite Technology 3 3 0
EE092IU Digital Signal            Processing 3 3 0
EE093IU Digital Signal            Processing Laboratory 1 0 1
IT079IU Principles of                      Database Management 4 3 1
PH062IU iOS programming fundamentals 3 2 1
PE018IU History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 2 0
3rd Year – Semester 2
PH047IU Navigation Systems 3 3 0
PH065IU Geolocation App Development for iOS 3 2 1
PH038IU Introduction to  Digital Image Processing 2 2 0
PH039IU Digital Image  Processing Laboratory 1 0 1
PH043IU Satellite Signal And Image Processing Laboratory 3 1 2
EE105IU Antenna and Microwave Engineering 3 3 0
EE124IU Antenna and Microwave Engineering Laboratory 1 0 1
4th Year – Semester 1
PH041IU Digital Image Processing 3 3 0
PH036IU Remote Sensing 3 3 0
PH060IU Big Data Analytics for Remote Sensing 4 4 0
PH054IU Big Data Analytics for Remote Sensing  Laboratory 1 0 1
PH056IU Project Management 3 3 0
PE008IU Critical thinking 3 3 0
4th Year – Semester 2
PH042IU Research Project 4 0 4
  Electives (choose 12 credits in 10 courses below)
PH045IU Fundamental of Surveying 3 2 1
 PH046IU Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Analysis  3  2  1
PH048IU Radio Astrophysics 3 3 0
PH049IU Advanced Remote                  Sensing 3 3 0
 EE133IU Emerging Engineering Technologies 3 3 0
IT013IU Data Structures and Algorithms 4 3 1
IT142IU Analytics for Observational Data 4 3 1
IT160IU Data mining 4 3 1
PH058IU Business analytics with Big data 3 3 0
 PH059IU Business analytics with Big data Laboratory 1 0 1
4th Year – Semester 3
PH064IU Internship 4 0 4
5th Year – Semester 1
PE021IU General Law 3 3 0
PE019IU Ho Chi Minh’s Thought 2 2 0
PH050IU Thesis 10 0 10




Calculus 1 – MA001IU

This course equips students with basic concepts of calculus: limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. Applications of these concepts are extensively discussed.


General Physics 1 – PH019IU

This subject will provide an introduction to mechanics including concepts and principles of kinetics, dynamics, energetics of motion of a particle and a rigid body and provide a basic knowledge of fluid mechanics; macroscopic description of gasses; heat and the first law of thermodynamics; heat engines and the second law of thermodynamics; microscopic description of gasses and the kinetic theory of gasses.


General Physics 1 Laboratory – PH020IU

General Physics 1 Laboratory is an experimental course that provides students with necessary skills to do experiments of mechanics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.


Introduction to Space Engineering – PH018IU

This introductory course will bring a general overview of Space Science and Engineering to students, including the background of space and solar physics and the historical development of Space Engineering throughout the XX century. Since the course is designed from the engineers’ point of view, prospective students with strong interests in Space Science and Engineering will be provided with solid foundations of the field, as well as the finest motivations for the needs of Vietnam for space science, space technology and applications in the XXI century.


Writing AE1 – EN007IU

This course provides students with comprehensive instructions and practice in essay writing, including transforming ideas into different functions of writing such as process, cause-effect, comparison- contrast, and argumentative essays.


Listening AE1 – EN008IU

The course is designed to prepare students for effective listening and note-taking skills, so that they can pursue the courses in their majors without considerable difficulty. The course is therefore lecture-based in that the teaching and learning procedure is built up on lectures on a variety of topics such as business, science, and humanities.


Physical training 1 – PT001IU

This course provides students with physical training, improving physical skills.


Calculus 2 – MA003IU

This course is a continuation of Calculus 1. Its aim to equip student with basis concepts of sequence, series, vector functions, functions of several variables, multiple integrals and their applications.


General Physics 2 – PH021IU

This subject will provide a basic knowledge of electricity and magnetism.


Earth observation and  the environment – PH061IU

This course gives students an understanding of the Earth’s climate system, an appreciation of the environmental issues (water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, etc), and also sheds light on the role of Earth’s climate system, which may have on the space systems, especially the negative impacts. Some engineering approaches are suggested to suppress these negative impacts in maintaining the lifetime of the space systems in their services.


Writing AE2 – EN011IU

This course introduces basic concepts in research paper writing, especially the role of generalizations, definitions, classifications, and the structure of a research paper to students who attend English- medium college or university. It also provides them with methods of developing and presenting an argument, a comparison or a contrast.


Speaking AE2 – EN012IU

Giving presentations today becomes a vital skill for students to succeed not only in university but also at work in the future. Speaking AE2, therefore, provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective presentations (informative and persuasive presentations).


Marxist-Leninist Philosophy – PE015IU

The course equips students with basic knowledge of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.


Physical training 2 – PT002IU

This course provides students with physical training, improving physical skills.


General Physics 3 – PH023IU

This subject will provide a basic knowledge of Wave and Modern Physics.


General Physics 3  Laboratory – PH024IU

This course provides students with basic knowledge of optics in laboratory, consists of: diffraction, interferences, telescope, brewster’s law, photoelectric effect….


Introduction to Relativity and Modern Physics – PH029IU

This course is introductory to all theoretically fundamental aspects of Special Relativity and Early Quantum Theory. In the first part of the course, students are brought up with some experiments that lead to the special relativity concepts of objects moving at speed close to the speed of light. From there, they can develop the formalism of special relativity in both kinematics and dynamics via the discussion of moving frames of reference, Galilean and Lorentz transformations, and electromagnetism. The second part of the course will also introduce the other pillar of modern physics, quantum theory, in its early stage. Again, students will get acquainted with some experiments that led to the thoughts of quantization, the duality characteristics of the particle-wave nature of radiation, and the principle of uncertainty; and apply these foundation physics backgrounds to the quantum theory of the atom then.


Differential equations – PH026IU

This course introduces fundamental mathematical methods and analysis in ordinary differential equations and their applications and a short introduction to partial differential equations.


Probability and statistics for engineers – PH030IU

This course develops an engineer’s view of probability, started from the notion of chance, relative frequencies and then probability. It covers all fundamental concepts in probability, random variables and statistics that will serve everyday an engineer working in practical fields such as quality control, signal processing, biomedical engineering, automatic control, communications etc….


Programming for engineers – EE057IU

This course is aimed at students with no or little programming experiences. Generally, it endeavors to provide students with an understanding about the role of programming that can play in solving problems. The course content thus equips the basic terminologies of principles of programming and data structures via C programming language.

The fundamentals include the history of programming, stepwise refinement and flow-charting, introduction to algorithm analysis; basic data types, type conversion, making decision and looping, branching, I/O operations; functions, recursion; arrays and multiple-subscripted arrays, searching and sorting algorithms; pointers/function pointers; characters and strings; structures, unions, enumerates, operations on bits; introduction to abstract data types; dynamic memory allocation, file processing.


Programming for engineers Laboratory – EE058IU

This laboratory is associated with the Programming for Engineers course. It covers everything that students will need to understand the basic concepts covered in the theory course, as well as the implementation of simple-to-complex C programs especially in the field of engineering. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.


Marxist – Leninist Political Economy – PE016IU

The program consists of 6 chapters, in which Chapter 1 discusses the Objects, research methods and functions of Marxist-Leninist political economy; the remaining chapters present the core content of Marxist-Leninist Political Economy according to the module’s objectives. Specifically, the content includes commodities, markets and the role of stakeholders; producing surplus value; competition and monopoly; socialist-oriented market economy and economic interest relations in Vietnam; and industrialization, modernization, and international economic integration in Vietnam.


Mathematics for  engineers – PH025IU

This course develops a synthetic view of mathematical knowledge and skills in analyzing and modeling Signals and Systems. Covers review of fundamental harmonic analysis, with applications in Electronics, Control, Communications and Signal processing.


Discrete Math – IT153IU

The course provides students the ability to reason and think mathematically and logically; and apply this ability to analyze and solve discrete practical problems in Computer Science and IT.


Space Environment – PH037IU

This is an introductory course of physical properties of plasma; the solar atmosphere; the solar dynamo; the magnetic field and the ionosphere of the Earth; the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetic field of the Earth; the impact of the ionosphere on satellite communication.


Introduction to Signals and Systems – PH032IU

Introduction to continuous- and discrete-time systems and signals, basic function representation of signals, convolution, Fourier Series, Fourier, Laplace, Z-transform theory, state space variable analysis of linear systems, basic feedback concepts.


Signals and Systems  Laboratory – PH033IU

This course covers the following topics: Experimental exercises via simulation using MATLAB to get an understanding of frequency and time domain analysis of linear dynamic systems and corresponding signals. Finding the response of continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems via simulation.


Scientific socialism – PE017IU

The course equips students with basic knowledge of scientific socialism.


Introduction to Space Communications – PH063IU  

This course is introductory to all fundamental aspects of Space Communications between a spacecraft (or satellites) and the ground stations. The scopes of the course cover a wide range of discussions from the satellite’s technological designs and technical solutions to its communications with the controlled- ground stations. In the first part of the course, students will study the essential characteristics and components of satellites, the satellite launching methods, the satellite orbits (mainly concentrating on the geostationary satellites), and the satellite orbital perturbations; nevertheless, in the second part, the learning contents will focus on the analog and digital signals, transmissions, receptions, link equations, and satellite services.


Satellite Technology – PH040IU

This course is introductory to general knowledge about satellites, including two parts separately of satellite technology and applications. The first part of the course will introduce students to the fundamental topics of satellite technology, satellite orbits, and satellite launching. The second part of the course focuses mostly on satellite applications, including communication techniques, remote sensing, navigation, weather satellites, and military satellites.


Digital Signal Processing – EE092IU

This course is an introduction to the basic principles, methods, and applications of digital signal processing, emphasizing its algorithmic, computational, and programming aspects. In particular, the students will learn the conversion from analog to digital, the concepts of discrete time linear systems, filtering, spectral analysis of discrete time signals and filter design.


Digital Signal Processing Laboratory – EE093IU

This course is an introduction to the basic principles, methods, and applications of digital signal processing, emphasizing its algorithmic, computational, and programming aspects.


Principles of Database Management – IT079IU

This subject introduces the students to basic database design and implementation concepts. Database design techniques, including relational design and E-R analysis, are presented. Database queries using SQL are covered in lectures and supported by practical exercises.


iOS programming  fundamentals – PH062IU

This course provides students with an introduction to programming on the iOS platform with Swift Programming language for location-based services apps, including Core Location services, Maps, Region monitoring, iBeacon, Compass Heading, Geocoding, Error Handling, and Firebase. In addition, this course gives students skills to design, implement & debug a program for the iOS platform.


History of Vietnamese Communist Party – PE018IU

The course equips students with basic knowledge about the History of the Communist Party of Vietnam.


Navigation Systems – PH047IU

This course introduces the principles of space navigation systems based on inertial sensors and satellite navigation. Students will start with a development history of many global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) such as GPS, GLONASS, EGNOS, Galileo, etc. and then will build upon the modern navigation systems, GPS, with Coordinate Frames, Time Reference, and Orbits to estimate the position, velocity, and times, as well as their errors. Besides, the course also provides the learners with based knowledge of GPS signals and GPS Signal Conditioning and Acquisition utilizing the Fourier transformation and convolution.


Geolocation App Development for iOS – PH065IU

This course provides students with an introduction to programming on the iOS platform with Swift Programming language for location-based services apps, including Core Location services, Maps, Region monitoring, iBeacon, Compass Heading, Geocoding, Error Handling, and Firebase. In addition, this course gives students skills to design, implement & debug a program for the iOS platform.


Introduction to Digital Image Processing – PH038IU

This course will introduce students to essential basic knowledge of creating, visualizing, and manipulating digital images by computer. Topics will include representation of two-dimensional (2D) data, time and frequency domain representations, filtering and enhancement, the Fourier transform, convolution, interpolation, color images, and preliminary knowledge in object recognition and description.


Digital Image  Processing Laboratory – PH039IU

This course gives students computer-based laboratory exercises designed to introduce methods of real-world data manipulation. The lab exercises will introduce various imaging processing topics, which could be completed with many widely used programming languages such as Matlab, C, or Python.


Satellite Signal and Image Processing Laboratory – PH043IU

This course provides students with experiments on transmitting the collected data from satellites to ground-based stations, then performing post-processing data on the ground. Participating students will have a chance to learn how to operate and control satellites and equip them with project management skills.


Antenna and Microwave Engineering – EE105IU

The course provides students the understanding of radiation fundamentals, linear antennas, point source arrays, aperture antennas, antenna impedance, and antenna systems. Basic concepts of microwave engineering such as transmission lines, Smith plot, microwave circuits, analysis techniques, design and applications.


Antenna and Microwave Engineering Laboratory – EE124IU

Antenna & Microwave Engineering Practical Workbook covers a variety of experiments that are designed to aid students in their profession and theory. They include a variety of topics which include antennas, transmission lines and microwave waveguides. A practical exposure to such equipment is necessary as it builds on the theory taught to students.


Digital Image Processing – PH041IU

This course provides advanced topics in digital image processing. In-class students will be provided in- depth theoretical knowledge of professional themes, including segmentation, morphological image processing, linear image filtering, imaging correlation, imaging transforms, eigenimage, multiresolution image processing, noise reduction and restoration, feature extraction, and recognition tasks.


Remote Sensing – PH036IU

In this course, students will be able to extract physical information of the Earth’s surface using remote sensing, applying for forestry, agriculture, water resources, and environment. Wavelength ranges used in this course are ultraviolet, visible, short-wavelength infrared, thermal infrared, and microwave..


Big Data Analytics for Remote Sensing – PH060IU

The aim of the course is to get students familiar with high-performance computing aspects of remote sensing. Students will learn how to discover knowledge from remote sensing data with high-performance computing approaches and data visual analytics tools (Apache Hadoop, parallel Python, R, Google Earth Engine).


Big Data Analytics for Remote Sensing Laboratory – PH054IU

This course provides students with hands-on experience of handling remote sensing big data. Students will work with the latest development tools and platforms such as Apache Hadoop, parallel Python, R, Google Earth Engine.


Project Management – PH056IU

This course is developed to provide the principal concept on project management which was characterized by the project management body of knowledge guide (PMBOK Guide). This guide emphasizes the five project process groups of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing, and the nine knowledge areas of project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, and procurement management. Students will also apply all project management knowledge in a specific satellite development project to understand more about satellite life cycle via a mini project and final report. In addition, this course also provides computer aid for project management by introducing the application of Microsoft Project and project scheduling.


Critical thinking – PE008IU

This course provides the nature and techniques of thought as a basis for our claims, beliefs, and attitudes about the world. The course also explores the process in which people develop their claims and support their beliefs.

Specifically, the course includes the theory and practice of presenting arguments in oral and written forms, making deductive and inductive arguments, evaluating the validity or strength of arguments, detecting fallacies in arguments, and refuting fallacious arguments.

Resources for the reasoning process include hypothetical and real-life situations in various fields of natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.


Research Project – PH042IU

This course provides the research project for students, which improves their skills in doing research and has experience in a practical project.


Fundamental of Surveying – PH045IU

This subject is related to some definitions of the Earth’s shapes and coordinate systems and is also related to an introduction to measurement equipment, such as theodolite, level, etc. Moreover, it presents ways to conduct basic measurements and methods for estimating the accuracy of measured results. Besides, the course represents the procedures for creating coordinate and leveling traverses in creating topographic maps.


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Analysis – PH046IU

This course will focus on the concepts and techniques of GIS. Students will be familiar with data models and structures, database management and spatial analysis and modeling.


Radio Astrophysics – PH048IU

The purpose of this course is to broaden students’ knowledge in space science, to clearly understand how to use antennas in doing research in Astrophysics.


Advanced Remote Sensing – PH049IU

This course provides knowledge and skills of digital image processing for extracting environmental information from satellite and airborne imaging systems. Applications of pre-processing, enhancement, classification, and modeling image processing routines are for environmental monitoring, modeling, and management, and applicable for biological, terrestrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences.


Emerging Engineering Technologies – EE133IU

This course will explore current breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations that have recently emerged in the past few years. A close examination of the technology will be conducted to understand the application using the new technologies. The class is a series of seminars on each of the emerging technologies.


Data Structures and  Algorithms – IT013IU

Provide an introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation.


Analytics for Observational Data – IT142IU

This subject explains the principles and practice of modelling and analysing observational data, with an emphasis on practical application. The core concepts are probability modelling and prediction. Probability models for various kinds of data are introduced, including models for counts of events, categorical values. The main focus is on massive data such as, graph database or data stream.


Data mining – IT160IU

This subject introduces the students to principles and algorithms of data mining, and requirements of a data mining process. Students will study data mining concepts and algorithms to solve problems of knowledge discovery. Students can develop skills of using recent data mining software for solving practical problems, and gain experience of doing independent study and research.


Business analytics with Big data – PH058IU

This course is an introduction to business analytics with various types of business analytics, types of data, data sources, understanding of big data and big data analytics and social media as well as social media analytics.


Business analytics with Big data Laboratory – PH059IU

This course provides students with case studies related to business analytics with various types of business analytics, types of data, data sources, understanding of big data and big data analytics and social media as well as social media analytics.


Internship – PH064IU

Students will start their internship at space center, satellite center and company relating to satellite science and satellite engineering.


General Law – PE021IU

The course will introduce students to Vietnamese legal systems. In particular, students will understand their rights and obligations in the Constitution, Criminal law, administrative law, civil law, labor law and enterprise law of Vietnam. From this, students will raise awareness towards their responsibility to ensure justice, including ending corruption, in society.


Ho Chi Minh’s Thought – PE019IU

The course equips students with basic knowledge about subjects, research methods and meaning of Ho Chi Minh’s ideologies; origin of Ho Chi Minh’s ideologies; national independence and socialism; Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Vietnamese State; great national unity and international solidarity; culture, morality and human.


Thesis – PH050IU

The topics of the thesis focus on space engineering, especially satellite technology and satellite application. Students have deeply understanding about the theoretical knowledge and application. Students will also become familiar with research topics, ways of argument and making points according to the research process, which will help them develop a more academic perspective.