In the morning of December 5th, 2023, International University – VNU-HCM celebrated its 20th anniversary (5/12/2003-5/12/2023).
On this day, IU was honored to welcome the Former leaders and Leaders of VNU-HCM, the Leaders of VNU-HCM’s member universities, the Former leaders and Leaders of IU, representatives from partner universities, representatives from the university’s partners, representatives from the Board of Principles of highschools in HCMC and other neighboring provinces, distinguished guests, lecturers, officials, employees, and students.
Many distinguished guests attended the event.
The exciting performances from IU lecturers and officials lightened the atmosphere.
For the joy of the university’s birthday, on behalf of IU Board of Leaders, Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu – Vice-President of IU – recalled the very first days when the university was first established. Those days were filled with challenges and memories which highlighted the efforts and solidarity of all IU leaders, lecturers, officials, employees, and students with the support from VNU-HCM and the members of VNU-HCM. Based on this foundation, as of today, IU has reaped many accomplishments as the first university in Vietnam to achieve financial autonomy, proving its pioneering role in becoming a research-oriented university that can meet global standards.
Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu – Vice-President of IU – delivered his opening speech to honor the individuals and partners who have dedicated greatly for the growth of IU for the past 20 years.
In his speech of guidance, Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan – Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Secretary of Party Committee of VNU-HCM, Chancellor of VNU-HCM – thought highly of IU’s accomplishments for the past years, especially in its financial autonomy. Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan hoped that in the future, IU can continue to adopt this model of autonomy to its Schools and Departments.
Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan – Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Secretary of Party Committee of VNU-HCM, Chancellor of VNU-HCM – delivered his speech of guidance at IU 20th anniversary.
During the 20 years since its establishment, the trust and support IU received from its partner businesses were undeniable. Specifically, for this event, IU was honored to receive two scholarships from its 2 long lasting partners, namely Vietcombank and BIDV, with a total of 1 billion 900 million VND.
On behalf of IU, Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu received the scholarship that is worth 400.000.000 VND from Mr. Ha Chi Hieu – Deputy Director of Vietcombank Ho Chi Minh Branch.
On behalf of IU, Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu received the scholarship that is worth 1.500.000.000 VND for a 5-year period from Mr. Dang Van Kien – Director of BIDV, East Saigon Branch.
Furthermore, 20 years since its establishment, many individuals have made tremendous contributions to the university’s development. Therefore, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, IU honored 18 teachers who were the Former leaders of VNU-HCM with the initiatives that formed IU and the Former leaders of IU.
Dr. Ho Nhut Quang – Secretary of Party Committee of IU, President of IU School Council – and Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu delivered the tokens of appreciation to the Former leaders of VNU-HCM and the Former leaders of IU.
Representing all lecturers, officials, and employees at IU, Dr. Ha Thi Thanh Huong – Chair of the Department of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, IU School of Biomedical Engineering, an excellent scientist who won many awards domestically and internationally – moved the audience with her sincere thoughts about IU. Moreover, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ngu – CEO of TTC Group, Alumnus of the Business Administration’s Class of 2005 – shared his memories of the time he was a student at IU and his thoughts on the return 15 years later.
Representing all lecturers, officials, and employees at IU, Dr. Ha Thi Thanh Huong – Department of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, IU School of Biomedical Engineering, an excellent scientist who won many awards domestically and internationally – shared her thoughts.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ngu – CEO of TTC Group, Alumnus of the Business Administration’s Class of 2005 – shared his thoughts on behalf of 9000 IU alumni and 11000 students attending IU.
In the end, representatives from IU Board of Leaders cut the anniversary cake, officially opening the door to IU’s 20th birthday with many dreams to the open sea.
The IU Board of Leaders cut the anniversary cake, celebrating the 20th anniversary of IU-VNU-HCM.
IU Board of Leaders and the lecturers, officials, and employees posed for a group photo, closing the 20th Anniversary Ceremony of IU-VNU-HCM.