On November 23rd – 24th, 2024, International University – Vietnam National University (IU-VNU) held the Graduation and Post-Graduation Ceremony 2024. The 17th Ceremony witnessed the graduation of nearly more than 1300 Ph.Ds, Masters, Bachelors, and Baccalaureus from 12 Schools and Departments.
The ceremony began with meaningful and vibrant musical performances by IU Inspirit, ARTEAM, and Guitar Club, conveying heartfelt congratulations of the university’s current students to the graduating class of 2024.
The Excellencies entered the Hall.
In his opening speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Thang – President of the International University – extended his warmest congratulation to the university’s new Ph.D. graduates, Master’s graduates, Baccalaureus, and Bachelor’s graduates. He emphasized that the Class of 2024 holds a special place for the university’s academic staff, being a cohort that faced a global challenge – the COVID-19 pandemic – right at the start of their university journey.
The president particularly praised the new graduates for bringing pride to the university through their outstanding achievements in scientific research, student union activities, and community service. Not only excelling in academic fields, they also earned awards in national and international competitions, and actively contributed to the development of the university’s innovation ecosystem.
“Graduation is also considered a commencement: It marks the beginning of a new journey- one of maturity, independence, and a greater sense of responsibility towards the community, society, and yourselves. I hope you always remember: it is you who decides who you will become, whether as contributors to shaping the future or as followers of societal changes…” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Thang advised the graduates.
“It is you who decides who you will become…” – Prof. Dr. Le Van Thang shared his opening speech filled with sincere messages to the newly graduates on Graduation Day.
Notably, this year’s Graduation Ceremony also welcomed representatives from academic partners: Prof. Raymond Priest – Regional Director of Asia Pacific, Managing Director of International Educational Services of University of the West of England Bristol. In addition, the ceremony featured inspirational contributions from business representatives: Mr. Francesco Tran Van Lieng – Chairman, CEO of Vietnam Cacao Joint Stock Company, attended the afternoon session on November 23rd, 2024; Dr. Tran Viet Huan – President of the CIO Vietnam Community, on the morning of November 24th, 2024, delivered a speech to the graduates. That same afternoon, Mr. Tran An Khang – Business Director, ABB Automation and Electrification Vietnam, shared heartfelt messages and advice with the International University’s graduates on this momentous occasion.
Prof. Raymond Priest – Regional Director of Asia Pacific, Managing Director of International Educational Services of University of the West of England Bristol – offered encouragement to the students.
Mr. Francesco Tran Van Lieng – Chairman, CEO of Vietnam Cacao Joint Stock Company – shared heartfelt messages with the graduates during the afternoon session on November 23rd, 2024.
Dr. Tran Viet Huan – President of the CIO Vietnam Community – delivered a few words of advice to the graduates of the International University on the morning of November 24, 2024.
Mr. Tran An Khang – Business Director, ABB Automation and Electrification Vietnam – shared a few words of advice and insights during the event on the afternoon of November 24th, 2024
As of November, 2024, after 18 undergraduate cohorts and 11 postgraduate cohorts, IU has a total of 11.344 bachelor’s and baccalaureus’ graduates and 1.085 master’s and doctoral graduates. This year marks the third year that the university has awarded doctoral degrees to its Ph.D. candidates. Among the 1.234 new bachelor’s and baccalaureus’ graduates this year, 168 bachelors graduated in 4+0 twinning program with the University of West of England, and 11 graduated in 4+0 twinning program with Andrews University.
This year, the university proudly awarded the title of Valedictorians to four newly graduates with outstanding achievements. In the undergraduate program, Ms. Huynh Thi My Anh – a new graduate in Accounting – was named Valedictorian in Business – Management with a score of 92.8/100. Notably, Ms. My Anh was also the valedictorian in the university’s entrance admission in 2020 with an exceptionally high score. Meanwhile, Ms. Luu Nguyen Minh Thu – a new engineering graduate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management – became the Valedictorian in Engineering with a score of 93.8/100.
Dr. Trinh Quoc Dat – Dean of the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting – conferred the diploma to Ms. Huynh Thi My Anh – Valedictorian in Business – Management.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hop – Dean of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management – conferred the diploma to Ms. Luu Nguyen Minh Thu – Valedictorian in Engineering.
For the postgraduate program, Mr. Truong Nhat Quang – a graduate in Public Administration – was named Valedictorian of Master Class in Business – Management, earning a Gold Medal with a GPA of 87/100. Moreover, Mr. Chung Minh Nhat – a graduate in Information Technology – received a Gold Medal and graduated as the Valedictorian of Master Class in Engineering with outstanding achievements, earning a GPA of 93.2/100.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Phuong – Head of the Center for Public Administration – conferred the diploma to Mr. Truong Nhat Quang – Valedictorian of Master in Public Administration.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Sinh – Dean of the School of Biotechnology – conferred the diploma to Mr. Chung Minh Nhat- Valedictorian of Master in Engineering.
Sharing her thoughts at the Graduation Ceremony, Ms. Huynh Thi My Anh encouraged her fellow graduates: “Whether you are starting your career, continuing your studies, or pursuing your own path, remember that we have overcome so many challenges together. Be proud of yourselves. We will all achieve success because we are IUERS.”
Ms. Huynh Thi My Anh shared her thoughts on her graduation day during the afternoon session on November 23rd, 2024.
Ms. Luu Nguyen Minh Thu – Valedictorian in Engineering also encouraged all the graduates: “Step forward with pride, carryingthe reputation of IU, and show the world what it means to be graduates of the Class of 2024.”
Ms. Luu Nguyen Minh Thu presented at the afternoon session on November 24th, 2024.
New Master’s graduate Chung Minh Nhật expressed his gratitude to the International University, his parents, friends, and all those who have supported him throughout his journey. As the Young Talent of Ho Chi Minh City in 2020, he also shared a message with his fellow graduates: “As we leave IU and begin new journeys, I hope that each of us can bring a belief in a noble purpose in life, cooperation, leadership for future generations, and a kind heart. I hope that we can apply these values not only in our work but also in the way we connect with and contribute to the world around us.”
Mr. Chung Minh Nhat expressed his gratitude and shared a message with his fellow graduates on the morning session November 24th, 2024.
The newly graduated Ph.Ds, Masters, Bachelors, and Baccalaureus expressed their heartfelt gratitude to their parents during the momentous Graduation Ceremony.