– Biomedical Engineering


  1. Biomedical Engineering

– Name of qualification: Engineer in Biomedical Engineering;

– Official duration in credits and years: 4 years, 151 credits;

– Language of instruction: English;

– Assessment/Accreditation Status: The program achieved AUN-QA assessment in 2016 and achieved ABET accreditation in 2017.

Course list

Subject’s ID Subject Credits
Total Lecture Lab
1st Year – Semester 1
MA001IU Calculus 1 4 4 0
PH013IU Physics 1 2 2 0
PH014IU Physics 2 2 2 0
EN007IU Writing AE1. 2 2 0
EN008IU Listening AE1 2 2 0
BM050IU Practice 1: Reverse  Engineering 1 0 1
PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism 3 3 0
PE008IU Critical Thinking 3 3 0
PT001IU Physical Training 1 3(0)* 0 3
1st Year – Semester 2
CH011IU Chemistry for Engineers 3 3 0
CH012IU Chemistry Laboratory 1 0 1
BM090IU Biology for BME 4 3 1
BM053IU Principles of  Electricity in Biomedical Engineering 3 3 0
BM054IU Principles of Electricity in Biomedical Engineering Lab 1 0 1
EN011IU Writing AE2 2 2 0
EN012IU Speaking AE2 2 2 0
PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and Leninism 2 2 0
PT002IU Physical Training 2 3(0)1 0 3
1st Year – Semester 3
PE017IU Scientific socialism 2 2 0
2nd Year – Semester 1
MA003IU Calculus 2 4 4 0
CH014IU Chemistry for BME 3 3 0
BM098IU Chemistry for BME Laboratory 1 0 1
BM091IU Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 3 0
BM007IU Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 4 3 1
BM067IU Practice 2: Animal Cells and Microbiologies 1 0 1
PE018IU History of Vietnamese

Communist Party

2 2 0
2nd Year – Semester 2
MA023IU Calculus 3 4 4 0
BM064IU Applied Informatics 4 3 1
BM082IU Biomaterials 4 3 1
BM      IU Technical Electives 1 4 3 1
PE019IU Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts 2 2 0
BM052IU Practice 3: Electronic Design 1 0 1
2nd Year – Semester 3
  Military Training      
BM102IU Mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering Lab 2 0 2
3rd Year – Semester 1
MA024IU Differential Equations 4 3 1
BM101IU Mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering 2 2 0
BM011IU Engineering Challenges in

Medicine I

3 3 0
BM017IU Medical Design 1 0 1
BM      IU Technical Electives 2 4 3 1
BM      IU Technical Electives 6 3 3 0
3rd Year – Semester 2
BM005IU Statistics for Health Science 3 2 1
BM030IU Machine Design 3 3 0
BM096IU AI for Healthcare 3 3 0
BM068IU Project 1 1 0 1
BM      IU Technical Electives  3 4 3 1
BM      IU Technical Electives 7 3 3 0
3rd Year – Semester 3
BM020IU Internship 2 3 0 3
4th Year – Semester 1
PE021IU General Law 3 3 0
BM008IU Bioethics 3 3 0
BM013IU Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering 3 3 0
BM      IU Technical Electives     4 4 3 1
BM069IU Project 2 1 0 1
4th Year – Semester 2
            IU Free elective 3 3 0
BM009IU BME Capstone Design 4 3 1
BM003IU Pre-Thesis 1 0 1
BM      IU Technical Electives 5 4 3 1
5th Year – Semester 1
BM004IU Thesis 10 10 0
  Free Electives (select 1 of following courses)
BM060IU Digital Systems 3 3 0
BM061IU Digital Systems Lab 1 0 1
BM062IU Micro-electronic Devices 3 3 0
BM063IU Micro-electronic Devices Laboratory 1 0 1
BM089IU Electronic Devices for Biomedical Design 4 3 1
BM033IU Information Technology in the Health Care System 3 3 0
BM070IU Information Technology in the Health Care System lab 1 0 1
BM075IU Biomedical Photonics 3 3 0
BM076IU Biomedical Photonics Laboratory 1 0 1
BM058IU Biomedical Image Processing 4 3 1
BM072IU Computational Model in Medicine 4 3 1
BM073IU Medical Imaging 4 3 1
BM074IU Brain – Computer Interface 4 3 1
BM071IU Computer Aided Diagnosis 4 3 1
BM077IU Pharmaceutical Engineering 1 4 3 1
BM078IU Pharmaceutical Engineering 2 4 3 1
BM079IU Principle of Pharmacokinetics 4 3 1
BM080IU Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery Systems 4 3 1
BM081IU Drug Delivery Systems 4 3 1
BM010IU Biosignal Processing 4 3 1
BM083IU Applications of Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine 4 3 1
BM084IU Biocompatibility and Biodegradation of Biomaterials 4 3 1
BM085IU Characterization and Properties of Biomaterials 4 3 1
BM086IU Methods and Process in Fabrication of Scaffold 4 3 1
BM092IU Cell/Tissue – Biomaterial interaction 4 3 1
BM093IU Tissue engineering I 4 3 1
BM094IU Principle of clinical tests and instrumentation 4 3 1
BM012IU Engineering Challenges in Medicine II 3 3 0
PE014IU Environmental Science 3 3 0
BM095IU Medical Instrumentation 4 3 1
BM100IU Principles of Neuroengineering 4 3 1
BM099IU Stem Cell Technology 4 3 1
BM103IU Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare 4 3 1
BM104IU Microfluidics 4 3 1
Total 151    



Pre-Thesis – BM003IU

Pre-thesis is a semester-long course taken at the senior year. Students engage in a research project to explore in literature published research achievements in a research field that students have already agreed upon with potential thesis advisors. This is an independent work. Students and advisors meet to discuss together as much as needed. In the end, students must narrow down their works to a specific research topic and develop a detailed plan for works to be done for the thesis. For an unsatisfactory work, students must prolong the time until completion or change the topic or the advisor. The course culminates in a written pre-thesis report. Students also defend their results in an oral presentation in front of the Department faculty committee during the exam week.

Thesis – BM004IU

Thesis is a semester-long course taken at the senior year following the success of the pre-thesis work. This is an independent work, students are expected to spend about 30 h/per week. Students work on a specific research topic whose plan has been developed in detail during the pre-thesis. Students and advisors meet to discuss together as much as needed. The work can be the design of a medical device or the experiments to discover the effects of certain factors on a scientific issue. For an unsatisfactory work, students must prolong the time until completion. In an unavoidable situation, students may require to change the topic or the advisor. The course culminates in a written thesis report and a working device, if applied. Students also defend their results in an oral presentation and a demonstration of working device, if applied in front of a Department faculty committee, in due form, during the exam week.

Statistics for Health Science – BM005IU

This course focuses on intermediate statistical methods which are often used in bioengineering and biomedicine. The course emphasizes the appropriateness, practical application and interpretation of a variety of analytic methods. Working with SPSS (Statistical package for the social sciences) supports student to deal with practical problems in statistical analysis.

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering – BM007IU

This course consists of three main parts: (1) fundamental engineering technologies and methodologies, (2) their clinical applications and (3) topics related to the department orientations. In the first part students learn different engineering techniques and methods including mathematical modeling and simulation of a dynamic system, design methodology, geometric optics, kinematics, and statistics. In the second part students learn how these techniques or methods are applied in medical field. Case studies focus on specific organs such as eye, ear, and lung. In each study three aspects are covered: physiological, clinical, and instrumentation aspects. These 2 parts emphasize on the activities of the Medical Instrumentation orientation. In the third part other activities of the Department will be briefly introduced including Signal and Image Processing, Pharmaceutical Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Besides, a semester long project is assigned. The project requires students to conceive, design and build a working device related to Biomedical Engineering field. This course is accompanied by lab works which introduce students by hands-on ways to topics related to different research orientations of the Department.

Bioethics – BM008IU

Many difficult ethical questions have arisen from the explosive growth of biomedical research and the health-care industry since World War II. For example, when does life begin to matter morally? When and how should doctors be allowed to help patients end their lives? Should embryos be cloned for research and/or reproduction? What sorts of living things is appropriate to use as research subjects? How should we distribute scarce and expensive medical resources? This course will show students how problems in bioethics can be approached from a variety of perspectives, with the aim of understanding how we have got, where we are, and how we should decide where to go next.

BME Capstone Design – BM009IU

The course has three components: class lectures, laboratories, and project. The lectures are built upon all previous BME coursework. They emphasize on the design principles of medical instrumentation and biomedical signal analysis. Topics include the origin of bioelectric potentials; the characteristics of various biological signals, transducers, instrumentation amplifiers, analogue and digital devices; and computer interfaces. Labs include the design, construction and testing of electrical circuits and computer interfaces to measure diverse biological signals. The semester long group project consists of designing an instrument requested from hospitals or the BME Department labs. Students work in a team of different orientations.

Biosignal Processing – BM010IU

The course provides students fundamentals knowledge to process and analyze biosignals. The knowledge of Fourier transform, signal sampling, analog to digital conversion, stochastic signal processing are covered in the class. The course also provides insight to different characteristics of typical biological signals including Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG).

Engineering Challenges in Medicine I – BM011IU

Engineering Challenges in Medicine (ECM) exposes students to technical issues encountered by physicians in hospitals that prevent them to advance in medical diagnosis and treatment. In this course, physician instructors will demonstrate pathophysiology, advantages and disadvantages of current medical management of common diseases, and ask students to propose their own solutions to overcome these challenges. ECM II covers the value of a diagnostic test, interpretation of basic laboratory tests and common diseases of the respiratory, renal, digestive, endocrinal systems, and cancers.

Engineering Challenges in Medicine II – BM012IU

Engineering Challenges in Medicine (ECM) exposes students to technical issues encountered by physicians in hospitals that prevent them to advance in medical diagnosis and treatment. In this course, physician instructors will demonstrate pathophysiology, advantages and disadvantages of current medical management of common diseases, and ask students to propose their own solutions to overcome these challenges. ECM II covers the value of a diagnostic test, interpretation of basic laboratory tests and common diseases of the respiratory, renal, digestive, endocrinal systems, and cancers.

Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Engineering – BM013IU

This course introduces various stages of the entrepreneurial process and provides knowledge of start-up development. Students will expose to this process by working on some key steps in establishing a start-up for a biomedical product or service. The main goal of the course is to prepare students with an entrepreneurial mindset so that they realize the importance of developing a biomedical product or service that meets the customer demand and can be commercialized.

Medical Design – BM017IU

Students will practice designing medical devices/equipment. In the first half of this course, students will learn different types of motors (step motors, servo motors, and DC motors) and how to control these motors. In the second half of this course, students will learn and practice using microcontrollers (for example ESP32) to collect and process data from biomedical sensors. This course requires students to work on a group project to design and build a medical device or equipment. Ideas and requirements for these projects come from the industrial partner and they are also involved in the evaluation of the report.

Internship – BM020IU

In BME program, students are required to spend at least 2 months during their 4 year study to become Biomedical Engineers. Internships are opportunities for students of BME department International University to learn about and apply biomedical engineering principles outside the classroom in the laboratory, work place and/or field. During the internship, the faculty mentor will assign the student responsibilities that have been previously agreed upon and approved by the BME department chair. These duties will vary depending on the particular discipline. The student will work under the guidance and direction of an internship mentor at the site. This individual will be an employee of the internship site.

Machine Design – BM030IU

Introduction to the principles of design and analysis of machines and machine components. Design for functionality, motion, force, strength and reliability. The laboratory experience provides open-ended projects to reinforce the design process.

Information Technology in the Health Care System – BM033IU

This course will teach students how to analyze and apply various management programs and technology systems currently available to health care professionals. Lectures and tutorials will offer experiential learning opportunities. The tutorials will introduce the knowledge and software toolsets that will be used by the students to design an original health care delivery system application. Knowledge will include those used by professionals to design information healthcare system, automated decision support system and healthcare standards.

Practice 1: Reverse Engineering – BM050IU

This is a course of general knowledge in medicine, medical instrumentation, and basic of Arduino. Students will learn how to take vital signs, do CPR and some common first aids, and explore common medical devices in our department’s labs such as ECG, Ultrasound, Ventilator, CT machines… which are provided by the industrial partners. Students learn how to use mechanical tools to disassemble and reassemble medical devices and explore their working principles and block diagrams. Moreover, students will study some basics about the Arduino circuit and apply them to the project which built up the simple medical device/ equipment. As one of the first courses for BME students, it also covers the soft skills required for presentation, literature searching, and report writing.

Practice 3: Electronic Design – BM052IU

Students will study essential skills for medical device design. In the first half of semester, students will study how to design an electrical schematic and PCB using CAD software. They also have chance to make their own PCB using tools in our department’s labs by conducting 2 practical projects. These projects are demanded from industry. Upon finishing the third semester, students can design electrical part of a medical device. Students also have chance to visit PCB production companies.

Principles of Electricity in Biomedical Engineering – BM053IU and Principles of Electricity in Biomedical Engineering Lab – BM054IU

In the lecture, students will learn the DC electricity where the sources are constant with respect to time. In this domain, students learn all basic elements such as resistor, Op-Amp, capacitor and inductor as well as common analysis techniques to analyze circuits that contain those elements. With capacitor and inductor, students get familiar with the time variable notion. The lecture also covers the AC circuit where the sources vary periodically with respect to time. These notions are particularly useful for students in BME to understand the origins, generations, conductions and functioning of electrical signals in human physiology. Each lecture includes examples highlighting the specific impacts of electricity and electrical engineering in biomedical engineering.

Biomedical Image Processing – BM058IU

The goal of this course is to introduce techniques to enhance biomedical images to help physicians in diagnosis and treatment. This subject also introduces the principle of tomography techniques such as X-ray, CT, MRI and PET/CT. Moreover, it provides students essential knowledge of digital image processing including image acquisition, image formation, linear system, low-level image processing, image enhancement in frequency domain, pattern recognition, etc. A series of exercises and labs also provide students practical experience in working with biomedical image data.

Digital Systems – BM060IU and Digital Systems Lab – BM061IU

This course provides the student to understand about digital system in order to design digital circuits or systems. This course represents the following parts: Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, K-maps, Combinational Logic Circuit, Flip-Flops, Digital Arithmetic, Counters and Registers, Memory Devices, AD-DA Conversions and PLD.

Micro-electronic Devices – BM062IU and Micro-electronic Devices Laboratory – BM063IU

The course is an introduction to microcontrollers including basic architecture, programming and applications of MCS-51 family and other MCS platforms.

Applied Informatics – BM064IU

This course focuses on how to apply programming languages to solve engineering problems targeting towards biomedical fields. C-programming language provides students basic programming skills to develop and implement medical devices. MATLAB- programming language supports effective tools for mathematic calculations and graphical visualization of dataset.

Practice 2: Animal Cells and Microbiologies – BM067IU

This course introduces students to the essential theory and techniques for working with microorganisms and animal cells. As these are among the most important model systems in biomedical engineering, this knowledge will enable students to conduct engineering and scientific projects using these systems. If students would like to further study these topics, they can consider taking courses such as Clinical Test, Tissue Engineering, Cell/tissue – Biomaterial Interaction and Biomaterials. This course includes a field trip to microbiology labs (hospital, research institute…) in which students will learn the practical protocols related to microorganisms and animal cells.

Project 1 – BM068IU

Students will explore a specific topic in the medical fields. Students will learn how to do a research through various skills of doing experiments, searching and identifying scientific journals as references related to the experiments from e-library, analyzing data, weekly report meeting with advisor, writing scientific report, and etc. At the end of the course, student will submit a final report.

Project 2 – BM069IU

Students will do biomedical engineering project. They will have chance to apply what they have learned in previous semesters in designing, performing experiment, collecting and analyzing experimental data. Moreover, student also improve their presenting, writing skills in scientific manner. In addition, students can work on projects that are suggested or ordered by the industrial partner. The enterprises also participate in the assessment of students’ project results.

Information Technology in the Health Care System lab – BM070IU

This course will teach students how to analyze and apply various management programs and technology systems currently available to health care professionals. Lectures and tutorials will offer experiential learning opportunities. The tutorials will introduce the knowledge and software toolsets that will be used by the students to design an original health care delivery system application. Knowledge will include those used by professionals to design information healthcare system, automated decision support system and healthcare standards.

Computer Aided Diagnosis – BM071IU

This course is an introduction to diagnostic imaging and an overview of how computerized analysis of medical images has been employed to assist physicians in detecting or classifying lesions and screening for differential diagnosis. Topics include typical pathological abnormal patterns of various diagnostic imaging modalities with an emphasis on ECG, Ultrasound, and CT scan. Lab activities focus on interpreting ECG, CT scan and performing an Ultrasound exam.

Computational Model in Medicine – BM072IU

The computer modeling and simulation of the heart and the circulation, gas exchange in the lungs, control of cell volume, the renal counter-current multiplier mechanism, and muscle mechanics, mechanisms of neural control, genetics, epidemics and dispersal.

Medical Imaging – BM073IU

Physical and computational principles of different medical imaging modalities (including computed tomography, nuclear, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and optical imaging) are discussed with the focus on image formulation and reconstruction. Hardware designs and clinical applications are also mentioned.

Brain – Computer Interface – BM074IU

In this course, students will learn about the basic function and structure of brain, the function of each part of the brain. In addition, students will be practiced on devices to learn how to interface between Brain-Computer. Collecting signals and analyzing them are also mentioned.

Biomedical Photonics – BM075IU

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of applying light in biomedical applications. This course is especially tailored for engineers who have no prior knowledge in biomedical sciences. The course first introduces some basic concepts in biomedical sciences so that students can be familiar with the techniques and the terminologies used in the field. Subsequently, the course would consider biological tissues as an optical material with some unique properties different from other conventional material, such as semiconductors, when light interacts with it. Several important research topics including microscopy, optical detection techniques, and optical disease detection techniques will be discussed. Engineering students who take this course would allow them to quickly get into the field of biomedical engineering that highly interdisciplinary knowledge and skills are required.

Biomedical Photonics Laboratory – BM076IU

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of applying light in biomedical applications. This course is especially tailored for engineers who have no prior knowledge in biomedical sciences. The course first introduces some basic concepts in biomedical sciences so that students can be familiar with the techniques and the terminologies used in the field. Subsequently, the course would consider biological tissues as an optical material with some unique properties different from other conventional material, such as semiconductors, when light interacts with it. Several important research topics including microscopy, optical detection techniques, and optical disease detection techniques will be discussed. Engineering students who take this course would allow them to quickly get into the field of biomedical engineering that highly interdisciplinary knowledge and skills are required.

Pharmaceutical Engineering 1 – BM077IU

This course emphasizes the primary engineering aspects of the pharmaceutical processes through methodologies, both applied and fundamental of dosage form design, to analyze and scale up manufacturing pharmaceutical processes involving liquid and dispersed-phase systems including solution, suspensions, transdermal systems, etc.

Pharmaceutical Engineering 2 – BM078IU

This course emphasizes the primary engineering aspects of the pharmaceutical processes through methodologies, both applied and fundamental of dosage form design, to analyze and scale up manufacturing pharmaceutical processes involving solids processing, such as solids characterization, blending, milling, granulation, tableting, coating, and others.

Principle of Pharmacokinetics – BM079IU

The course is intended to provide the students with basic principles of pharmacokinetics including drug transport, various routes of drug administration, and drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. Mathematical pharmacokinetic models are also presented.

Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery Systems – BM080IU

Since nanoparticulate drug delivery systems present very small size, they are promising in targeted therapy of diseased tissue, organ and hence, leading to the increased drug concentration at those places through biological barriers to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. The course depicts nanoparticles and technologies applied to targeted drug delivery to diseased cells.

Drug Delivery Systems – BM081IU

In this class, the students will be introduced the concept of drug delivery systems providing pharmaceutical agents at target site, technology, regulartory considerations and applications of each system. The course is also intended to provide the students about design of controlled release drug delivery systems.

Biomaterials – BM082IU

An engineer of tissue engineering major should understand biomaterials, and its surface modification for specific applications. Also, an engineer must understand how to choose materials and how to design a scaffold for specific implantation zone.

Applications of Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine – BM083IU

This course is the basis for the student in biomedical engineering. It equips students with the basic knowledge about the types of tissues in the human body. This course will introduce some kind of tissue in the human body, including: heart, liver, lungs, stomach, eyes, bones, blood vessels, etc.

Biocompatibility and Biodegradation of Biomaterials – BM084IU

Students will learn and understand the biocompatible and biodegradable measure of biomaterials. Students will learn and practice in the laboratory about interaction of cells and biomaterials (using MTT, SEM, confocal, etc.) and interaction of implanted biomaterials in animal (using H&E, MT staining).

Characterization and Properties of Biomaterials – BM085IU

This is a course for students majoring in biological materials. It equips students with the knowledge of how to determine the required properties and characteristics of biomaterials. Case studies and specific applications will be investigated. According to the specific damages to be repaired, the biomaterials must be fabricated to match the required properties and characteristics.

Methods and Process in Fabrication of Scaffold – BM086IU

This course will introduce students to some common methods to fabricate the biomaterials that are used worldwide. During the course, students will create their own new materials according to their purposes.

Electronic Devices for Biomedical Design – BM089IU

Fundamentals of semiconductor devices and microelectronic circuits, characteristics of p-n, Zener diodes, and analog diode circuits. Principles of MOSFET and BJT operation, biasing, transistor analysis at midband frequencies.

Biology for BME – BM090IU

This course covers basic concepts and universal principles of biological molecules, cells, genetics, and biotechnology. The laboratory activities are designed to further investigate and illuminate each topic area in BME research settings.

Human Anatomy and Physiology – BM091IU

This subject explains the physical and chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, development, and progression of life. This subject explains the specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that make it a living being. This subject explains the functions of tissues, organs and systems with the regulation and control mechanisms of body.

Cell/Tissue – Biomaterial interaction – BM092IU

A crucial concept to understand about the tissue-biomaterial interface is that a lot of things happen there. The environment inside the body is chemically, electrically, and mechanically active, and the interface between an implanted biomaterial and the body is the location of a variety of dynamic biochemical processes and reactions. This course will introduce students to the molecular level events that happen at the tissue-implant interface, explore selected biological and physiological consequences of these events, methods to characterize interaction between cell/tissue and materials and specifically, design novel biomaterial that truly integrate with the body’s natural tissues.

Tissue engineering I – BM093IU

Tissue engineering encompasses several disciplinary fields of knowledge to enable the regeneration of malfunctioning tissues or even whole organs. There are three main components in tissue engineering: scaffolds, cells, and signal. This course is the first part of the 2-semester course on Tissue engineering which introduces students to the basic knowledge of those three main components of tissue engineering. The following course (Tissue engineering II) will focus on the clinical applications.

Principle of clinical tests and instrumentation – BM094IU

The laboratory plays a crucial role in healthcare because it provides physicians and other health professionals with information to: (1) detect disease or predisposition to disease; (2) confirm or reject a diagnosis; (3) establish prognosis; (4) guide patient management; and (5) monitor efficacy of therapy. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the principles of laboratory tests and instrumentation used in clinical laboratories is essential. This course will provide students an overview of medical laboratory, principle of a wide range of analytical tests and instrumentations ranging from haematology to molecular pathology.

Medical Instrumentation – BM095IU

This course covers the basic and advanced principles, concepts, and operations of medical sensors and devices. The origin and nature of measurable physiological signals are studied, including chemical, electrochemical, optical, and electromagnetic signals. The principles and devices to make the measurements, including design of electronic instrumentation, will be rigorously presented. This will be followed by realistic design and experimentation with amplifiers for biopotential measurements. There are laboratories session to give students hands on experience with electronic components, sensors, and biopotential measurements. The final part of this course will cover emerging frontiers of cellular and molecular instrumentation.

AI for Healthcare – BM096IU

This course provides an introduction to how we apply artificial intelligence in healthcare. Several typical problems of applied artifical intelligence in healthcare are introduced, such as diagnosis/segmentation/abnormalitty detection in CT, OCT, fundus, endoscope images, detecting diseases by signals, e.g., EEG, blood pressure, heart rate. The course offers artificial intelligence methods that are frequently utilized in healthcare systems, including k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine (SVM), neural network, convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, generative adversarial network. There are lab activities in which students work on programing to build pratical schemes.

Chemistry for BME Laboratory – BM098IU

The course covers the basic principles of analytical chemistry, introduces modern analytical chemistry and instrumental techniques with emphasis on techniques relevant to analysis in biomedical engineering. Applications of each technique will be discussed.

Stem Cell Technology – BM099IU

Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are fast moving fields with vastly transformative implications for the future of health care and capital markets. Stem cells, which located in many tissues and organs in human body, are presented as miracle cells that can do anything. When administered to a patient with some serious diseases they will rebuild the damaged tissues and make the patient recover and live longevity. Understanding of stem cell characteristics, intrinsic regulations, and functions helps generating novel therapies for many acute and chronic diseases as well as developing the new strategies for tissue engineering. This course will focus on the science of stem cells to explore the characteristics, functions, pathologies, and applications of stem cells in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Principles of Neuroengineering – BM100IU

Covers how to innovate technologies for brain analysis and engineering, for accelerating the basic understanding of the brain, and leading to new therapeutic insight and inventions. Focuses on using physical, chemical and biological principles to understand technology design criteria governing ability to observe and alter brain structure and function. Topics include optogenetics, noninvasive brain imaging and stimulation, nanotechnologies, stem cells and tissue engineering, and advanced molecular and structural imaging technologies. Design projects by students.

Mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering – BM101IU

Introduction to fundamental knowledge of mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering.

Mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering Lab – BM102IU

Learn skills of mechanical design and manufacturing processes in biomedical engineering.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare – BM103IU

This course provides AI fundamental algorithms such as random forest, decision tree, support vector machine (SVM), boosting, Adaboost, XGBoost, artificial neural network (ANN), convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network. The real signal processing problems applied in healthcare are introduced such as applying SVM or randomforest, ANN to predict the EEG, blood pressure, or heart rate. This course also introduces the computer vision problems that can apply in healthcare such as segmentation, and object detection. There are lab activities in which students work on programing to build practical schemes.

Microfluidics – BM104IU

Microfluidics is both the science which studies the behavior of fluids through microchannels, and the technology of manufacturing microminiaturized devices containing chambers and tunnels through which fluids flow or are confined. Microfluidics deal with very small volumes of fluids (10-9 to 10-18 L), using channels with dimensions from several to hundreds of micrometers, which can be expanded even to millimeters. The key concept related to microfluidics is to integrate in a simple micro-sized system operations that commonly solicits a whole laboratory. This multidisciplinary field embraces research in physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, materials science, and biology supporting the design of various microfluidic devices (known as Lab-on-a-chip/Organ-on-a-chip devices for (portable)diagnostics, drug related studies such as disease modeling, drug discovery, and drug delivery, as well as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. In this course, student will be introduced to: (1) Microfluidics (its definition and scientific aspects), (2) Fluid dynamic Theory to understand fluid behaviors at microscopic scale (3) Various microfarication techniques with focus on low-cost, simple techniques for microfluidics (4) Design of microfluidic devices for common biological/biomedical applications.

Chemistry for Engineers – CH011IU

This one‐semester course is designed for engineering students those who are pursuing a non‐ chemistry engineering degree such as information technology, bio‐technology, civil, biomedical, electronic and telecommunication engineering. The course will introduce the basic principles of chemistry and connect those principles to issues in engineering professions. The related lab‐work is not included in this course.

Chemistry Laboratory – CH012IU

This course is designed for non-chemistry majors, as it is intended for students pursuing a degree in information technology, electronic and telecommunication. The course introduces the lab-work with emphasis on techniques relevant to engineering in chemistry.

Chemistry for BME – CH014IU

This course is designed for non-chemistry majors, as it is intended for students pursuing a degree in biomedical engineering. The course covers The basic principles of analytical chemistry, introduces modern analytical chemistry and instrumental techniques with emphasis on techniques relevant to analysis in biomedical engineering. Applications of each technique will be discussed.

Writing AE1. – EN007IU

This course provides students with comprehensive instructions and practice in essay writing, including transforming ideas into different functions of writing such as process description, cause-effect, comparison-contrast, argumentative, and paraphrase-summary essays. Throughout the whole course, students are required to read university-level texts to develop the ability to read critically and to respond accurately, coherently and academically in writing. Through providing them with crucial writing skills such as brainstorming, proofreading, documentation and editing, this course prepares the students for research paper writing in the next level of AE2 writing

Listening AE1 – EN008IU

The course is designed to prepare students for effective listening and note-taking skills, so that they can pursue the courses in their majors without considerable difficulty. The course is therefore lecture-based in that the teaching and learning procedure is built up on lectures on a variety of topics such as business, science, and humanities.

Writing AE2 – EN011IU

This course introduces basic concepts in research paper writing, especially the role of generalizations, definitions, classifications, and the structure of a research paper to students who attend English- medium college or university. It also provides them with methods of developing and presenting an argument, a comparison or a contrast. Students are required to work on the tasks selected to maximize their exposure to written communication and are expected to become competent writers in the particular genre: the research paper.

As writing is part of an integrated skill of reading and writing where reading serves as input to trigger writing, this course is designed to familiarize non-native students with academic literature in their major study by having them read and critically respond to texts of a variety of topics ranging from natural sciences such as biology to social sciences and humanities like education, linguistics and psychology.

Speaking AE2 – EN012IU

Giving presentations today becomes a vital skill for students to succeed not only in university but also at work in the future. However, this may be seen as a nerve-racking task, especially when presented in a foreign language. Speaking AE2 provides the students with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective presentations. To do this, the course covers many aspects of giving presentation: preparing and planning, using the appropriate language, applying effective visual aids, building up confidence, performing body language, dealing with questions and responding, etc.

Calculus 1 – MA001IU

Functions; Limits; Continuity; Derivatives, Differentiation, Derivatives of Basic Elementary Functions, Differentiation Rules; Applications of Differentiation: l’Hôpital’s Rule, Optimization, Newton’s Method; Anti-derivatives; Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Techniques of Integration; Improper Integrals; Applications of Integration.

Calculus 2 – MA003IU

Sequence and Series; Convergence Tests; Power Series; Taylor and Maclaurin Series; Cartesian Coordinates; Lines, Planes and Surfaces; Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions, Arc Length and Curvature, Parametric Surfaces; Functions of Several Variables; Limits, Continuity, Partial Derivatives, Tangent Planes; Gradient Vectors; Extrema; Lagrange Multipliers; Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Techniques of Integration; Vector Fields, Line Integrals, Surface Integrals.

Calculus 3 – MA023IU

Complex numbers, complex series, complex functions, complex derivatives; Laplace transform, z-transform, Fourier series, Fourier transform, the inverse transform, transforms of derivatives and integrals, first-order differential equations, second-order differential equations, difference equations, applications to electrical circuits and signal processing.

Differential Equations – MA024IU

First-order differential equations, second-order linear differential equations, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, applications, higher-order linear differential equations, systems of first-order linear equations, elementary partial differential equations and the method of separation of variables.

Critical Thinking – PE008IU

Critical Thinking studies a process which is indispensable to all educated persons– the process by which we develop and support our beliefs and evaluate the strength of arguments made by others in real-life situations. It includes practice in inductive and deductive reasoning, presentation of arguments in oral and written form, and analysis of the use of language to influence thought. The course also applies the reasoning process to other fields such as business, science, law, social science, ethics, and the arts.

Environmental Science – PE014IU

To equip undergraduate students with essential knowledge about the environment, natural resources and human ecology. To increase general awareness of undergraduate students about possible impacts of human activities on the environment and natural resources in order to justify relevant economic practices.

Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism – PE015IU

The subject equips students with basic knowledge of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. The subject equips students with basic content of worldview and philosophical methodology of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. Helps students apply knowledge of worldview and philosophical methodology of Marxist-Leninist philosophy creatively in cognitive and practical activities, in order to solve problems that the social life of the country and of the times is posing.

Political economics of Marxism and Leninism – PE016IU

The program content includes 6 chapters: Chapter 1 discusses the subject, research methods and functions of Marxist-Leninist Political Economy. Chapters 2 to 6 present the core content of Marxist-Leninist Political Economy according to the objectives of the subject. Specifically, issues such as: Goods, markets and the role of owners in a market economy; Production of surplus value in a market economy; Competition and monopoly in a market economy; Socialist-oriented market economy and beneficial economic relations in Vietnam; Industrialization, modernization and international economic integration in Vietnam.

Scientific socialism – PE017IU

The subject equips students with the basic contents of scientific socialism (one of the three components of Marxism-Leninism). It helps students apply the basic knowledge of scientific socialism creatively in cognitive and practical activities, in order to solve the problems that the social life of the country and of the times is posing.

History of Vietnamese Communist Party – PE018IU

The subject equips students with basic knowledge about the History of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Provides systematic and basic knowledge about the birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam (1920-1930), the Party’s leadership of the Vietnamese revolution during the period of struggle for power (1930-1945), in the two resistance wars against French colonialism and American invasion (1945-1975), in the cause of building and defending the fatherland during the period of the whole country’s transition to socialism, carrying out the renovation process (1975-2018). Through historical events and experiences of the Party’s leadership to build awareness of respect for objective truth, enhance pride and confidence in the Party’s leadership. Equip with scientific thinking methods about history, skills in selecting research materials, studying subjects and the ability to apply historical awareness to practical work, criticize the Party’s wrong notions about history.

Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts – PE019IU

The subject equips students with basic knowledge about: Objects, research methods and significance of studying Ho Chi Minh’s ideology; about the foundation, process of formation and development of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology; about national independence and socialism; about the Communist Party and the State of Vietnam; about national solidarity and international solidarity; about culture, ethics and people.

General Law – PE021IU

This course is designed to provide students with general knowledge of the Vietnamese legal system and the laws that regulate major and important issues of civil, administrative, and the relationships between people and people as well as between people and the government. The main branches of law such as constitutional, administrative, civil, criminal, labor, and business will be introduced in more detail in this course.

Physics 1 – PH013IU

This course examines concepts and principles of kinetics, dynamics, energetics of motion of a material particle, solid, fluid dynamics, properties of ideal gas, and thermodynamics.

Physics 2 – PH014IU

This course provides students basic knowledge about fluid mechanics; macroscopic description of gases; heat and the first law of thermodynamics; heat engines and the second law of thermodynamics; microscopic description of gases and the kinetic theory of gases.