On October 29th, International University (IU) was honored to host the Semi-final round for the Biology Category of the Euréka Awards 2023. The event took place at A2 Hall and A2.104 Auditorium of IU where 72 projects in the field of Biology from 29 universities across the country were presented to the Board of Judges.
In the opening speech, Mr. Doan Kim Thanh – Director of The Youth Scientific and Technological Promotion Center – talked about his wish to further promote the research spirit in the student community, laying the foundation for the nation’s development.
Mr. Doan Kim Thanh – Director of The Youth Scientific and Technological Promotion Center – delivered his opening speech.
To ensure the competition’s professionalism, the Semi-final for the Biology Category’s Board of Judges consisted of many renowned scholars and physicians in the field of Biology.
The Semi-final Board of Judges consisted of many renowned experts in the field of Biology.
Mr. Doan Kim Thanh also emphasized on the growing scale of the competition compared to that of the previous years. To be specific, the Euréka Awards 2023 not only brought the opportunities for students from Southern Vietnam to do research, but also made ways for those from Central and Northern Vietnam to participate in the competition.
Therefore, for this year’s Euréka Awards, the Board of Judges have got the opportunities to listen to the presentations from teams being present at IU and those from outside of Southern Vietnam through virtual platforms.
The contestants presented their posters and answered questions from the Board of Judges.
Teams from outside of Southern Vietnam presented their works through virtual platforms.
The Board of Judges had a meeting to assess the projects after the presentation and Q&A sessions.
Especially, in this year’s competition, 05 projects from IU have excellently passed the Semi-final round and won the tickets to the Finale of the Euréka Awards 2023.