On the afternoon of September 20, 2022, International University (IU-VNU) held a Ceremony to announce the Decision on the Establishment of Units and Decision on the Appointment of Managing Personnel. Accordingly, from the academic year 2022-2023, IU-VNU has 10 schools and 02 departments.
On implementing the Strategic Plan for the 2021-2025 period with the approval of the President of Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City in Decision No. 1555/QD-ĐHQG dated December 7, 2021, the university has implemented the process of upgrading Departments into Schools, splitting and renaming units to suit the actual operation situation. The ceremony was held with the goal of officially announcing the decisions to upgrade and establish new units as well as the decisions to appoint managing personnel in these units.
The ceremony was attended by Dr. Ho Nhut Quang – Secretary of IU Party Committee, Chairman of the University Council, Assoc. Prof. Tran Tien Khoa – President of International University, Assoc. Prof. Le Van Canh – Vice President of International University – and Assoc. Prof. Dinh Duc Anh Vu – Vice President of International University – with Heads and Deputy Heads of schools, departments, offices together with lecturers, staff members and faculties of the university.
Opening the ceremony, Ms. Tran Quynh Hoa, M.A. – Head of Office of Human Resources Management – presented the information on the personnel receiving decisions to resign from management positions. Accordingly, Dr. Ho Nhut Quang stopped holding the position of Dean of the School of Business, Assoc. Prof. Le Van Canh resigned from the position of Dean of the Department of Civil Engineering to focus on the work of the School Council and the Board of Presidents. At the same time, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hung and Assoc. Prof. Tran Cao Thanh Ngoc resigned from the position of Vice Dean of the Department of Civil Engineering to focus on professional work; Assoc. Prof. Tran Tien Khoi resigned from the position of Dean of the Department of Environmental Engineering
Ms. Tran Quynh Hoa, M.A. – Head of Office of Human Resources Management – presented the information on the personnel receiving decisions to resign from management positions.
Assoc. Prof. Tran Tien Khoa – President of IU-VNU – sent bouquets of gratitude to the lecturers who resigned from management positions.
Ms. Tran Quynh Hoa M.A. – Head of Office of Human Resources Management – announced the decisions to establish new units and personnel to manage the units. Accordingly, IU-VNU officially has 04 new schools. The Schools of Economics, Finance and Accounting was established as a part of IU-VNU and its personnel was mobilized from the School of Business. Dr. Trinh Quoc Dat was appointed Dean of the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting and Dr. Le Van Chon was appointed to hold the position of Vice Dean of the School.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU Presidents are awarding flowers to celebrate the establishment of the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting and the decision to appoint Dr. Trinh Quoc Dat and Dr. Le Van Chon as managing personnel.
The School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering was established on the basis of merging the Department of Chemical Engineering – previously a part of the School of Biotechnology with the Department of Environmental Engineering. Assoc. Prof. Huynh Kim Lam was appointed as Dean of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy was appointed to hold the position of Vice Dean of the School.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU Rectors are awarding flowers to celebrate the establishment of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and the decision to appoint Assoc. Prof. Huynh Kim Lam and Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy as managing personnel.
The School of Civil Engineering and Management was established on the basis of the Department of Civil Engineering. Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nghia was appointed to hold the position of Dean of School of Civil Engineering and Management.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU President are awarding flowers to celebrate the establishment of the School of Construction Engineering and Management and the decision to appoint Dr. Nguyen Hoai Nghia as managing personnel.
The School of Languages was established on the basis of the Department of English. Dr. Nguyen Huy Cuong was appointed asDean of the School of Languages, Dr. Vu Hoa Ngan and Mr. Vu Tien Thinh were appointed as Vice Deans of the School.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU Presidents are awarding flowers to celebrate the establishment of the School of Languages and the decision to appoint Dr. Nguyen Huy Cuong, Dr. Vu Hoa Ngan and Mr. Vu Tien Thinh, M.A. as managing personnel.
In addition, IU-VNU decided to appoint Dr. Ha Minh Tri to hold the position of Dean of School of Business. At the same time, the school also officially changed the name of Center for Public Administration to the Center for Training and Research in Public Management of IU-VNU and awarded the decision to appoint Dr. Ton Nu Ngoc Han to the position of Deputy Head of the Center for Public Management Training and Research.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU Presidents are awarding flowers and decision of appointing Dean of School of Business Administration to Dr. Ha Minh Tri.
The Secretary of IU Party Committee – President of IU Council and IU Presidents are awarding flowers and decision of appointing Deputy Head of the Center for Public Management Training and Research to Dr. Dr. Ton Nu Ngoc Han.