Announcement regarding the reception of 2018 entrance scholarships

Pursuant to Decision No. 627 / QĐ-ĐHQT-ĐTĐH dated 05/9/2018 on the list of student admissions to receive 2018 entrance scholarships (List attached)

Pursuant to the Decision No. 729 / QĐ-ĐHQT-ĐTĐH dated 26/9/2018 on the list of additional student admissions to receive 2018 enrollment scholarships (List attached)

The Office of Finance and Planning would like notify the students the scholarship reception as follows:

  • The scholarship reception will be made through transfer to the bank account students have provided to the Office of Student Affairs.
  • If students have not provided bank account information, please contact the Office of Student Affairs.

For more information, please contact us:

  • Office of Finance and Planning – Room O2.701 – International University, Quarter 6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District
  • Tel: 028 – 3724 4270 – Ext: 3837 or 3420.

Best regards ./.