On 17 March 2019, IU held the annual Info Day which attracted more than 500 students, parents and teachers from over 40 high schools in HCMC and other provinces.

This is the third time IU organizes the event. There are a variety of activities which provide students with opportunities to get good advice from School, Departments and International Partners. Students also have the chance to visit the study rooms, labs, library, canteen, etc.

This year, the opening ceremony takes place at Tran Chi Dao hall – VNU HCMC


Dr. Ho Nhut Quang- Vice Rector of IU – gives the opening speech to introduce IU and the training programs.


In Info Day 2019, students get to know different training programs as well as new admission methods of IU. Besides, high school students are excited to experience “One day at university” by attending sample lectures, trying out experiments in Labs and joining in different students’ clubs.


High school students in HCMC and other provinces take part in the Info Day.


High school students experience IU’s modern facility.




Students, parents and teachers try out the labs of different Schools/ Departments.

High school students attend sample lectures.


Participants getting consultancy from Schools/ Departments


Students joining different clubs.

Especially, in 2019, IU has six different admission methods as follows:

  Admission methods Quota
1 Based on the results of the National High School Graduation Examination 2018. 40-60%
2 Direct admission – based on the 2018 university & college admission rules of Ministry of Education. 5%
3 Recruitments of good students from high schools in Vietnam (based on the VNU-HCMC’s regulations). 15%
4 Based on IU – Competence Assessment Test. 40-60%
5 Based on the school reports of international students or Vietnamese students that take the international high school program. 5%
6 Based on VNU-HCMC Competence Assessment Test. 15%


Board of admission consultants give answers to students’ inquiries.


Among 6 admission methods, IU-CAT accounts for the largest percentage: 40-60%. This test is officially held on 25 and 26 May, 2019.


High school students are invited to lunch at IU’s canteen.


To help students familiarize with the format of the CAT 2019, IU hold the trial exam during the Info Day. More than 3000 students register to take part in one subject and the results will be given within the next three days.


Students take the trial examination.


Info Day are brightened up with some performance from hot singers like Chi Thien, Thuy Binh, P336 Band, etc.


Chi Thien performs in Info Day.


Thuy Binh surprises everyone with his wonderful English songs.

Exciting performance from P336 Band.  


Students enjoy the performance.