Uprace – joining hands to build the scholarship at International University

In the morning of September 14, 2019, International University – Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City – (IU-VNU), in collaboration with Vietseeds Foundation, organized a charity running event called Uprace – More steps to transform Education 2019.

Young artists performed at the event and shared their stories

Uprace is a free community running event for all users of Uprace application. Each individual participating in the running event will contribute 1,000 VND for every 1km they complete. This sum of money will be donated to the Vietseeds Foundation for Vietnamese youth.

Organized at International University this time, it was expected to gather 500 scholarships to students with special needs across the country. Moreover, the organizers also prepared gifts for participants.

Young people came to Uprace 2019 with joy.

Participating in the 5km running track are the young popular artists such as MC Quang Bao, Singer Suni Ha Linh, Thuc Linh Lincoln, Bao Khanh, Tuan Tran, etc. The young artists promised to bring a cheerful and dynamic atmosphere with meaningful music and performances.

Share of a participant who just finished the 5km running track

Vietseeds is a non-profited organization committing to bring equal access to higher education for all Vietnamese students. VietSeeds invests in prospective, unlucky students who demonstrate their commitment to continue the education path and overcome obstacles of poverty and difficulty. Vietseeds helps every student realize his or her greatest potential by providing scholarships, training, and mentoring program to students so as they can be successful throughout their college years and beyond.

In 2011, VietSeeds Scholarship Fund was established by two Stanford graduates with 11 students and the first 11 sponsors. Vietseeds graduates become seeds that continue to break the cycle of poverty to change lives, serve the community, provide a new generation of labor and leadership despite coming from different situations. They contribute to the positive changes for the community.