
  1. Advise Board of Presidents on strategy, quality assurance improvement plans;
  2. Manage, operate quality assurance activities in the whole university;
  3. Advise Board of Presidents on tasks of managing and developing test banks for the Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University.


  1. For Quality Assurance:
  1. Develop and issue Development Strategy, long-term, medium-term, and annual plans for the education quality assurance and accreditation activities of the university;
  2. Build up and submit Board of Presidents to promulgate legal documents and guidelines on the activities of internal quality assurance;
  3. Preside and coordinate with the Office, School, and Department under the university to build up administrative procedures, to collect and store information related to the quality assurance;
  4. Implement self-assessment of the university’s quality assurance according to assessment criteria and prestigious education quality accreditation;
  5. Report to Board of Presidents the results of university’s quality assurance activities;
  6. Consult, monitor and inspect the implementation of quality assurance activities in all units under the university;
  7. Be a standing unit of the Self-Assessment Committee and also the unit presiding at welcoming assessment and accreditation delegations, based on the university’s strategic planning;
  8. Organize conferences, seminars, training courses for managers, lecturers and staff in the field of quality assurance;
  9. Participate in external quality assessment following the university plan;
  10. Coordinate with units to foster and propagate culture of quality in the whole university.
  1. For Testing:
  1. Build up and submit Board of Presidents to promulgate legal documents and guidelines on the activities of test banks for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
  2. Coordinate with Schools/ Departments/ Exam Committee to develop and manage the test banks system for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
  3. Organize activities related to the test banks for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
  4. Be a permanent member in exam mission and photocopying exam papers for Scholastic Aptitude Test;
  5. Conduct activities, namely exam marking, analysis and evaluation results related to the Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
  6. Perform other duties as assigned by President.



Room O2 – 611, International University

Telephone: (84-28) 37244270 – Ext: 3227

Fax: (84-28) 37244271



Human resources:

Full Name Position E-mail
Vong Binh Long Head
Nguyen Thi Thu Thao Deputy Head
Dao Anh Thu Deputy Head
Dinh Quang Khai Staff
Le Thuy Hang Staff
Tran Thi Ngoc Quy Staff
Ngo Quang Huy Staff
Huynh Chau Thuy Tien Staff
Nguyen Duc Hung Staff
Tran Thi Kieu Nuong Staff
Ninh Thi Kim Duyen Staff
Nguyen Hoang Diem Trang Staff
Do Thi Nhu Quynh Staff