- Advise Board of Presidents on strategy, quality assurance improvement plans;
- Manage, operate quality assurance activities in the whole university;
- Advise Board of Presidents on tasks of managing and developing test banks for the Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University.
- For Quality Assurance:
- Develop and issue Development Strategy, long-term, medium-term, and annual plans for the education quality assurance and accreditation activities of the university;
- Build up and submit Board of Presidents to promulgate legal documents and guidelines on the activities of internal quality assurance;
- Preside and coordinate with the Office, School, and Department under the university to build up administrative procedures, to collect and store information related to the quality assurance;
- Implement self-assessment of the university’s quality assurance according to assessment criteria and prestigious education quality accreditation;
- Report to Board of Presidents the results of university’s quality assurance activities;
- Consult, monitor and inspect the implementation of quality assurance activities in all units under the university;
- Be a standing unit of the Self-Assessment Committee and also the unit presiding at welcoming assessment and accreditation delegations, based on the university’s strategic planning;
- Organize conferences, seminars, training courses for managers, lecturers and staff in the field of quality assurance;
- Participate in external quality assessment following the university plan;
- Coordinate with units to foster and propagate culture of quality in the whole university.
- For Testing:
- Build up and submit Board of Presidents to promulgate legal documents and guidelines on the activities of test banks for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
- Coordinate with Schools/ Departments/ Exam Committee to develop and manage the test banks system for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
- Organize activities related to the test banks for Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
- Be a permanent member in exam mission and photocopying exam papers for Scholastic Aptitude Test;
- Conduct activities, namely exam marking, analysis and evaluation results related to the Scholastic Aptitude Test of International University;
- Perform other duties as assigned by President.
Room O2 – 611, International University
Telephone: (84-28) 37244270 – Ext: 3227
Fax: (84-28) 37244271
Human resources:
Full Name | Position | ||
Vong Binh | Long | Head | |
Nguyen Thi Thu | Thao | Deputy Head | |
Dao Anh | Thu | Deputy Head | |
Dinh Quang | Khai | Staff | |
Le Thuy | Hang | Staff | |
Tran Thi Ngoc | Quy | Staff | |
Ngo Quang | Huy | Staff | |
Huynh Chau Thuy | Tien | Staff | |
Nguyen Duc | Hung | Staff | |
Tran Thi Kieu | Nuong | Staff | |
Ninh Thi Kim | Duyen | Staff | |
Nguyen Hoang Diem | Trang | Staff | |
Do Thi Nhu | Quynh | Staff | |